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What are cold-processed soap bars?

Handmade soaps are made by combining oils and sodium hydroxide (lye), which causes a chemical reaction called saponification. This results in a "salt" which is soap! Cold-process is simply carrying out this process in room temperature. This is a greener method of creating soap as no additional energy is needed to heat up the oils, and the natural properties of botanicals and essential oils will be retained. 


However, cold-processed soaps require a longer time to cure (at least 4-6 weeks). Soap curing allows the soap to complete its saponification process and dry further to form a harder bar. This will ensure that all soaps are of the best quality when they reach your homes.


Our soaps are all handmade in small batches, therefore it may take some time for us to replenish our stock. 


Will my wooden soap dish turn mouldy after long periods of usage?

If you keep it dry and clean, mould growth is unlikely. However, mould might form if you expose your soap dish constantly to water, such as leaving it under the range of your shower. This would also mean that your soap is exposed to water as well, creating a mushy bar that encourages bacteria growth! 


Keep your soap dish (and your soap) in the corner of your shower that is least exposed to water. Do remember to clean your soap dish occasionally as well!


Must I use a soap dish? Why can't I leave my soap on the counter or shelf?

It is best encouraged to use a soap dish that has proper drainage holes so that your soap bar is not sitting in puddles of water. Constant exposure to moisture would dissolve your soap and also cause bacteria growth. Get the most out of your soap by using a proper soap dish! 

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